Tuesday, December 9, 2008

And Gramma Follows

I just got the call that my gramma died tonight. I was trying to figure out a way to see her tomorrow. I was there visiting today. I was there maybe an hour total. 

She asked me (one of the few coherent things she said the whole time I was there) to stay until hospice could get there to bathe her, and I had to say, "No." I had a meeting with Robert's web academy teacher. I felt yucky about not staying with her when she asked, especially now that she's died tonight, but I'm happy that I went and saw her today.

I had this fantasy that I would be there with her when she died, but just told my mom this morning that if it didn't happen, I would be at least content that I'd been visiting up until she died. (But that's not entirely true. I hadn't been visiting. My record has been pretty much nil, until I would say October. (possibly September). 

I visited once in October, once in November, once last week and today. After seeing her today and talking with the staff at the assisted living place she was at, I had decided to see her as close to daily as I could before she died -- knowing that she most likely had less than a week to live.

So. That was my brilliant "visiting my gramma before she died" record.

It was difficult to understand most of what she said to me today. I did catch, "You and I come from the same place ... But that's not right .... " Was she talking of the spirit realm?

I told her: "I know that you and I believe different things, but I believe that you and I will see each other again. In a different life. We'll be together again."

It looked like she nodded. Or maybe it was just a tremor.

I gave her Reiki while I was there today. I tried talking to her spirit and telling her silently that she could leave whenever she needed to.

In tears I remember my grandmother. She was such a neat lady. Truly one of a kind. With all the neuroses and creative angst one would expect from a woman writer that wasn't supported very much in her art.

I love you, Gramma. Find peace and health in your next life, and remember me. As I will remember you.

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